Hi Everyone I hope you're doing well, Today I am going to help you for Magnety Testnet.

Go to https://app.magnety.finance/

When you access to the app you will arrive on this page.


For the main features like creating and managing a fund, we have to connect a Wallet

Wallet and Eth Goerli


In order to connect our wallet, we have 2 choices. Connect it to Argent X or Braavos. You can choose the wallet you preferer but in this tutorial I will only use Argent X since It is our favorite wallet.

How to install Argent X

Argent X is a browser wallet extension that allows you to interact with all Starknet Apps.

Since this is a browser extension we need to install the extension.

⚠️ Warning:

Please use Google Chrome-based browser if possible it will facilitate a lot of things later.

For Firefox:


For Google Chrome / Brave


When we will open the extension, we will land on the following page:


We will have to create a New wallet and create a new password.

Once you have created your password, You should have this interface


You have to wait until the Deploy Wallet function is done and congratulations you just finished creating your wallet.

Get some Some goerli Eth for testnet

As you know when we want to interact with a contract we have to pay some gees in order call a function. Don’t worry getting some testnet Eth is entirely free.

You will have to go to this link:


Enter your argent X address


if this work continue and you will receive your token on your Argent Wallet

In case things do not work and you have a blue screen like me:


Don’t worry; it will be a little harder, but you can do it. You will need in addition a Metamask Wallet. In this guide, we will not speak about how to create a Metamask.

We will have to deal with the other solution which implies bridging tokens from L1 to L2. In this case, we will need Google Chrome, that’s why at the beginning I advise you to use Google Chrome.



You have to connect with your Twitter in order to get 0.5 Eth.

In case you don’t have Twitter don’t worry you can use Chainlink Faucet and still get 0.1 eth

Chainlik faucet

Once you get some Eth from L1 we have to bridge them In order to take them on Starknet


You will have to connect your both Wallet, Metamask and argent X


You can now transform your Layer 1 goerli token to Starknet token. When Swap doesn’t forget you have to pay the gas fees.

Once you validate the transaction on metamask you will have this little popup showing up


You will have to wait till the metamask transaction is accepted.


Once the Metamask transaction is accepted you will have to wait up to 10 minutes until the fund arrives in Layer 2. Magnety is not in charge of the time the network takes to replace the Fund. Sorry for the time it is very long for everyone.

Once you receive the fund, Congrats the Wallet and test token are done 🥳

Create a fund

In order to create a fund we need to click on the monetize button


We need to configure our fund, you can personalize it is as you want with a name an avatar, a description, some symbol for your fund, and choose the denomination asset (In my case I choose Eth for asset reference)


Depending on the asset you choose you can have to do extra Steps

Alpha Road Finance

Token like Btc (since it’s alpha road Btc) , Astraly, or pool token are not provided directly on Magnety, you have to go on Alpha Road


If you want to get BTC, Astraly, or TST token, swap some ether for the token you want. When the transaction is accepted, you can go back to Magnety and create your fund.

You have to provide liquidity for all the pairs like (ETH-ASTR, ETH-BTC…). In order to provide liquidity, you should have both tokens (If I want to invest on ETH-ASTR) I should have some ETH and some ASTR.

Once the transaction is validated go to My liquidity in order to be sure it is working. It would be best if you had something like that, if it’s the case you can go back on Magnety



Once you choose this need to configure your fund accessibility


I decide to make my Fund public, the minimum Investement should be between 0.000001 eth and 20eth. When you mint a piece of my fund,they are lookup at least 3h.


You can choose with which Defi protocol you want to interact with (note that only Alpha Road is enable for the moment), you can also choose the Asset you want to trade.


Monetisation is the place where the fund manager will apply his own policies. he can set differents options up to 10% or 20%.


You need to trade some reference asset, in my case Eth against my fund token (MGTY for me)

You have to decide how much you want to put in your fund and how much token do you want to mint.

You will have to wait until this button show up


As usual you will have to sign the transaction to ArgentX

You will have a nice popup with your fund address on the screen.

Since I am a little bit weird I love to check my transaction status, you can use voayger/address_of_your_contract in order to check the tx status


Click on the “LFG” button in order to go to your vault page.

Vault page

After deploying your vault you will have access to a beautiful page like this one:


You can see that we have all the information my fund name, my token fund and all the tags.

Surprise as you can see there is a profile section where you can create your own profile. You will speak about that later🚀

The following graph recap your fund value.


You have two button Invest and manage



You have two options buy or sell parts of your fund.


So as usual just click on the button in order to mint or sell part of your fund and sign the transaction on Argent.



Since we have ethereum as a reference token we have to track an another asset for that go to Track window and track btc (Can be done automaticly depends of Testnet release).


Once the track asset transaction is validated on L2 we need to refresh the page with F5 and now we can see that we have other choice for swaping. Like classic Defi protocol you can add and remove liquidity


If you want to remove track asset, simply go back and untrack asset.



In the future, you will be able to stack some Eth in Magnety Stacking Vault



On the right, you can see a bar with your profile ( Your profile shouldn't look like mine for the moment). It will display you

You can personalize it as you want to click on the pencil button


Modify all the elements and in order to save, click on the check button at the top of the page.

You have now tested all the Testnet features for the moment.

Stay tune MarketPlace will come in a few days. 😉